Our team is ready to lead, support or manage your incident investigation together with legal counsel. Activate our team of experts to complete an incident triage, perform crisis management, and recover your business operations. Call our hotline 24 x 7 x 365.

Active Threat Containment
Swiftly containing the threat is the top-most priority during an ongoing incident when every additional minute can lead to a disaster. Partner with Blue INK Security to isolate the systems under attack and to contain further spread to other parts of the organization.
Our team utilizes an Endpoint Detection & Response (EDR) toolset to monitor, detect and contain a threat during an incident. We will proactively identify the threat patterns and respond by containing the threat or by removing it.
Deploy EDR toolset to all endpoints.
Identify possible threat patterns.
Contain and isolate the infected systems.
You will receive a findings report at the end of the engagement.
Blue INK Security is uniquely qualified to contain an active threat across your IT, OT and IoT assets and help you meet specific standards and cyber insurance requirements.